About Us

Welcome To Accoona IT

Your “No Worries” IT services partner. Accoona IT can help your business on all Information Technology needs.
From custom Software Development or Communication Solutions, all the way to Help Desk. Let our experience work for you.

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Our Team

BO Fisher


John Lobo


Marshall Grillos


Client Testimonials

What They Are Saying About Us

These techs have so much patience in resolving my issues. I'm always very hesitant because my knowledge of computers and programming, is almost next to nothing and I'm always concerned that I won't be able to understand their questions but that is never a problem They always work me through it. Thank you for always being there and taking care of the problems.

Very good customer service, I turned in a ticket and received a call back in a short amount of time and got the issue resolved quick.

Amazing costumer service skills. New everything that was going on thank you again for your help. Keep up the good work.
